There are four different ways through which to participate in HMUN:
DelegateDelegates represent countries they were assigned to in a given committee and are expected to negotiate resolutions to benefit their country and the global society. They must make thorough preparation prior to the conference by conducting in-depth research on their country's positions in a given agenda and are required to submit a position paper - an essay covering a country's perspective on the agendas.
PressPress is in charge of writing articles and press releases. The press member takes photographs and videos of the conference on the conference day. The press releases written articles on the conference website, blogs,
official journals, etc. The press interviews delegates, chairs, and other secretariat members to promote the conference and to vividly depict it for the public. |
Student OfficerStudent officers (Chairs) are responsible for keeping the debate running and, using his or her discretion, controlling the flow of the conference. Those with strong background in MUN are encouraged to take this position, as student officers must guide delegates at multiple stages of the conference and react appropriately and professionally to unforeseen crisis. Student officers are required to submit a chair report - a research document pertaining to given agendas which the delegates may use to prepare for the upcoming conference.
Administrative StaffAdministrative staff are responsible for logistical matters, including passing notes from one delegate to another and resolving technical issues when they arise. Document distribution is also one of their duties. They contribute to the smooth flow of the conference by ensuring that the delegates act in accordance with conference policies and the voting procedures are conducted safely and legitimately within the committee room.