The Third Committee of
the United Nations
General Assembly (GA3)
Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) or GA3 was established in 1945, in reaction to the founding of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The committee's main purpose is concern for human rights, social advance, and humanitarian aid. GA3 provides forums for 193 UN Member States to discuss social, humanitarian, and cultural issues, especially those related to human rights, ultimately aiming to achieve the UN's goal of peace, security, and human rights. Its activity puts efforts in the promotion of women’s progress, children’s protection rights, as well as measures for family, the elderly, the disabled, crime prevention and criminal justice.
1. Addressing issues of sexual crimes against women and children
in areas of high conflict
2. Measures to protect the rights of indigenous minorities in the Middle East
in areas of high conflict
2. Measures to protect the rights of indigenous minorities in the Middle East